Battle Spirits Wiki
Worst villain
Kanji (漢字) ターンエンドだ虫けら。ターンエンドしろ
Card Type Magic
Color White White core
Cost 10
Reductions White coreRed corePurple core
Keywords Soul Burst
Card Effects
This card in Trash is unaffected by any effect.

SoulBurst1[ Soul Burst: After your Life is reduced ]
You can summon a "God-Sechs" Spirit card from your Hand/Trash, treating all reduction symbols as being fulfilled. Then, by paying the cost, activate this card's Flash effect.

Flash1 Flash
Immediately end the Attack Step.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)



BSC32 (Block icon 5 - N/A)
Battle Spirits Twin Wafers ~Sengoku Tempest~ (Block icon 5 - Common)

Extra Information
  • The art, name, and effect referenced episode 44 of Battle Spirits Burning Soul. Having countered all possible winning methods of Souun Gunjou, Dairokuten Maou said the line to her and asked her to end her turn so that he can finish her in a mocking way.

  • The first playable card with "immediately end step" effect as a Flash effect.