Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 空帝竜騎プラチナム
Card Type Spirit
Color White White core
Cost 5
Reductions White coreWhite coreWhite core
Symbols White core
Families Dragon Knight, Armed Machine
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 3000 BP
Level 2: 2 cores, 4000 BP
Level 3: 4 cores, 5000 BP
Card Effects
[LV1][LV2][LV3] (Your Main Step)
Once per turn, you can summon a Spirit card with Tribute from your Hand without using Tribute. However, any (When Summoned) effects of the Spirit can't activate.

[LV1][LV2][LV3] (Opposing Attack Step)
When not blocked, if the opposing Spirit's BP is equal or inferior to this Spirit's, your Life can't be reduced by that Spirit's attack.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)


BS08 (Rare)

  • Illust: Saitou Kazue
  • EN Flavor:
    The Dragon of the Empty Sky tumbles after being struck down by a Braver's arrow. Then, from the Dragon's back, a silvery shadow makes its descent.
    -from the 12th paragraph in chapter White of "Record of the Strange World" by Wanderer Lolo"-
  • JP Flavor:

SD05 (Rare)

  • Illust: Saitou Kazue
  • EN Flavor:
    The Dragon of the Empty Sky tumbles after being struck down by a Braver's arrow. Then, from the Dragon's back, a silvery shadow makes its descent.
    -from the 12th paragraph in chapter White of "Record of the Strange World" by Wanderer Lolo"-
  • JP Flavor:
Extra Information

1) If the BP of the opposing attacking Spirit is raised by an Flash effect before block and surpasses this Spirit's BP, your Life would be reduced.
