The SilverLanceDragon Slash
銀 槍 竜 スラッシュ
Kanji (漢字) | 銀槍竜スラッシュ |
Card Type | Spirit |
Color | White |
Cost | 4 |
Reductions | |
Symbols | |
Families | Silver Zero, Armored Dragon |
Keywords | Excite |
Levels | Level 1: 1 core, 3000 BP Level 2: 2 cores, 7000 BP |
Card Effects |
Excite 5 (Can't Stack: Excite 5 ) When the opposing Life is reduced by your "Zero Contract" family Spirit, if you have five counters or more, you can return this card from your Trash to the Hand. Flash - (Once per Turn: Same Name) By banishing a card with "Excite"-named effects from your Hand/Trash, summon this card from the Hand by paying two costs. [LV1][LV2] (When Summoned/Attacks) Once per turn, return an opposing Cost 3 or less Nexus to the deckbottom. |
Card Effects (JP/日本語) |
フラッシュ 〔ターンに1回:同名〕手札にあるこのカードは、自分の手札/トラッシュにある効果名に「励起」を含む効果を持つカード1枚をゲームから除外することで、2コスト支払って召喚する。 Lv1・Lv2『このスピリットの召喚/アタック時』 ターンに1回、コスト3以下の相手のネクサス1つをデッキの下に戻す。 |
Sets |
BS67 (Block icon 10 - Rare)