Battle Spirits Wiki
Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 魔界七将デスペラードXV
Card Type Spirit
Color Purple Purple core
Cost 6
Reductions Purple corePurple corePurple core
Symbols Purple core
Families Blood Crystal, Nightling, Ogre Wizard
Keywords True-Curse
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 6000 BP
Level 2: 3 cores, 9000 BP
Card Effects
[LV1][LV2] (When Summoned)
Besides this Spirit, you can send one core each from any number of Spirits/Ultimates to its owner's Reserve. (Once per Turn: Same Name) For each Spirit/Ultimate depleted by this effect, put a core from the Void to any of your Spirits. Then, if you have six counters or more, you can send your Soul Core to any "Spectral Contract" family Spirit you control.

[LV1]LV2] True-Curse (Your Turn)
When this Spirit would leave the Field due to the opponent, destroy an opposing Spirit/Ultimate.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)


BS67 (Block icon 10 - XV-Rare)

  • Illust: hippo (Normal Art), Amemiya Keita (Parallel Art), Ishigaki Junya (Concept)
  • EN Flavor:
    The 3rd general from Makai brings silence to Lecoulis.
  • JP Flavor:
Extra Information

1) For the (When Summoned) effect, you can choose freely which Spirits/Ultimates to send the one core from.

2) If you choose to send cores via the (When Summoned) effect, even if you couldn't deplete any Spirit/Ultimate, you are treated as having activated the (Once per Turn: Same Name) part of the effect, and that part includes the clause after "then".

  • The XV remake of The SevenShogun Desperado. The (When Summoned) effect is an upgrade of the original's, allowing the user to choose freely which Spirit/Ultimate to deplete, and comes with a conditional Soul Core refund. While the (When Attacks) effect is lost, it synergizes with Petit Bat's deck main gimmick, and provide a stronger removal as a standalone effect when compare to the original's core removal. The cost, which was the major hurdle of summon for its original and revival version without other free summon effects, is reduced from 8 to 6 such that it can be hard-summoned normally at an early stage.

