Battle Spirits Wiki
Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 海帝クラン・マラン
Card Type Spirit
Color Blue Blue core
Cost 6
Reductions Blue coreBlue coreBlue coreBlue core
Symbols Blue coreBlue core
Families Dragon Emperor, Fusion Beast
Keywords Tribute
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 5000 BP
Level 2: 5 core, 9000 BP
Card Effects
Tribute: Cost 5 or more → Trash
After paying for the summoning cost, you must send all cores from one of your Spirits with the specified cost or more to the specified area.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)

BS04 (Rare)

  • Illust: Asakawa Keiji
  • EN Flavor:
    I can see a gigantic object flying overhead! It's something I have never seen in my life! What in the world is that?
  • JP Flavor:
    見たことのない、まるで見たことのない巨大な飛行物体が、上空に飛来しております! あれは何者なのでしょうか!?

Ascension of Dragons (This set is released in English only) (Rare)

  • Illust: Asakawa Keiji
  • EN Flavor:
    I can see a gigantic object flying overhead! It's something I have never seen in my life! What in the world is that?

SE02 (This set is released in Italian only) (Rare)

  • Illust: Asakawa Keiji

BSC03 (Rare)

  • Illust: Asakawa Keiji
  • EN Flavor:
    I can see a gigantic object flying overhead! It's something I have never seen in my life! What in the world is that?
  • JP Flavor:
    見たことのない、まるで見たことのない巨大な飛行物体が、上空に飛来しております! あれは何者なのでしょうか!?

