Kanji (漢字) | 幻霊魔卿フォロヴォザルク |
Card Type | Ultimate |
Color | Purple |
Cost | 5 |
Reductions | |
Symbols | |
Families | Evil God, Evil Deity |
Keywords | Burst |
Levels | Level 3: 1 core, 7000 BP Level 4: 3 cores, 12000 BP Level 5: 6 cores, 17000 BP |
Card Effects |
[Summon Condition: You control one or more “The PartnerDemonLord Javad”, including being in Soul State/pre-advent condition] When your "Four Demon Lord" is summoned, or attacks, you can immediately activate this set card. [ Burst: After your Life is reduced ] Summon this card without paying the cost. [LV3][LV4][LV5] (When Summoned) During this turn, increase the LV cost of one opposing Spirit by +1. By sending a core from your Field/Reserve to the Trash, change the "one" written in this effect to "two". |
Card Effects (JP/日本語) |
セットしているこのカードは、自分の「四魔卿」が召喚されたか、アタックしたとき、ただちに発動できる。 【バースト:自分のライフ減少後】 このカードをコストを支払わずに召喚する。 Lv3・Lv4・Lv5『このアルティメットの召喚時』 このターンの間、相手のスピリット1体のLvコストを+1する。自分のフィールド/リザーブのコア1個をトラッシュに置くことで、この効果に書かれた「1体」を「2体」に変更する。 |
Sets |
BS67 (Block icon 10 - Master Rare)
Extra Information |
1) When your "Four Demon Lord" is summoned or attacks, you can declare the activation of this Burst before any effects related to them being summoned/attack resolve (e.g. (When Attacks) effect of your "Four Demon Lord".) Since its Burst effect is "immediately resolved", its effect is prioritized over the other effects that take place at the same time. If the condition of the immediately activation is fulfilled, but you move on to resolve other effects, you can't declare the activation of Burst anymore. |