Battle Spirits Wiki
The MoonlightDragon Strike-Siegwurm


The MoonlightDragon Strike-Siegwurm
Name The MoonlightDragon Strike-Siegwurm
Kanji/Kana 月光龍ストライク・ジークヴルム
Released in (Japanese) BS10, SD12
Color White White core
Cost 6
Reduction White coreWhite coreWhite core
Symbols White core
Family Astral Deity, Armed Machine
Level 1: 1 core, 5000 BP
Level 2: 3 cores, 8000 BP
Level 3: 4 cores, 10000 BP
[LV1][LV2][LV3] (Opposing Attack Step) When an opposing Spirit attacks, refresh this Spirit.

[LV2][LV3] (When Blocks) When only the opposing Spirit is destroyed through BP comparison, return all opposing Spirits with BP inferior to that Spirit's BP to the hand.

[When Braved][LV3] (Opposing Attack Step) At the start of the step, target an opposing non-brave Spirit. That Spirit must attack if possible.
Flavor Text
The air fills with terror... The Incarnation of the Moon has arrived!
—A memo from Negotiator Mix—
震撼する大気……現れた月の化身! ―交渉人ミクスの手記―
Rarity X-Rare
Illustration Kazue Saitou (art), Junya Ishigaki (concept)
Rulings/Restrictions None


Related to: The DragonEmperor Siegfried, The DarkDragonEmperor Siegfried, The SacredEmperor Siegfrieden, The BlackEmperorDragon Darkwurm, The StarEmperorDragon Meteorwurm, The SupernovaDragon Siegwurm-Nova, The StarSlayerDragon Darkwurm-Nova, The MoonlightDragonDeity Lunatech-Strikewurm, The MachineLionDeity Strikewurm-Leo, The Deity Sieg-Catastrophedragon, The UltimateDragonEmperor Sieg-Sol-Fried, The UltimateDragonRider Sieg-Crimson (Red/Purple), The UltimateDragonRider Sieg-Crimson (Red/Green), The UltimateDragonRider Sieg-Crimson (Red/White), The UltimateDragonRider Sieg-Crimson (Red/Yellow), The UltimateDragonRider Sieg-Crimson (Red/Blue), The StarDragonDeity Sieg-Meteorwurm, The BigDipperDragon Sieg-Apollodragon (Red)The BigDipperDragon Sieg-Apollodragon (Purple) , The BigDipperDragon Sieg-Apollodragon (Green), The BigDipperDragon Sieg-Apollodragon (White), The BigDipperDragon Sieg-Apollodragon (Yellow), The BigDipperDragon Sieg-Apollodragon (Blue), The GreatDragonEmperor Siegmund, The StarArmoredDragon Sieg-Brave , The SunDragon Sieg-Apollodragon, The TwinkleDragon Siegwurm-Altair, The EclipseDragon Siegwurm-Vega, The StarlightDragon Siegwurm-Deneb, The MoonFangDragon Strikewurm-Sirius,The ShadowMoonDragon Strikewurm-Betelgeuse, The GorgeousMoonDragon Strikewurm-Procyon, The DragonHero Sieg-Yamato-Fried, The LegendaryDragon Ancientwurm , The SuperStarDragon Yamatowurm-Nova, Magic Boost


Battle Spirits Brave

Battle Spirits Double Drive

