The ImperialLionGuard Cochon
近 衛 獅 団 コション
Kanji (漢字) | 近衛獅団コション |
Card Type | Spirit |
Color | Blue |
Cost | 3 |
Reductions | |
Symbols | |
Families | Azure Wave, Beast Head |
Keywords | AFO |
Levels | Level 1: 1 core, 1000 BP Level 2: 3 cores, 4000 BP |
Card Effects |
[LV1][LV2] (When Summoned) Draw two cards, then discard two cards from your Hand. The opponent can't activate Burst effects via this draw. [LV1][LV2] AFO Give this Spirit and every "The PartnerLion Raon" you control, including those that are in pre-advent condition, the effect: "Contract Pre-Advent/Spirit (When Attacks) Including being in Soul State/pre-advent condition, if you control any 'The PartnerLion Raon', by destroying a Nexus you control, destroy an opposing Nexus." |
Card Effects (JP/日本語) |
自分はデッキから2枚ドローした後、手札2枚を破棄する。このドローによって相手は、バースト効果を発揮できない。 Lv1・Lv2【AFO】 このスピリットと煌臨元を含む自分の「相棒獅子ラオン」すべてに“【契約煌臨元】/【スピリット】『このスピリットのアタック時』魂状態/煌臨元を含む自分の「相棒獅子ラオン」がいるとき、自分のネクサス1つを破壊することで、相手のネクサス1つを破壊する”を与える。 |
Related Cards |
Sets |
BS67 (Block icon 10 - Rare)
Extra Information |
1) After activating the (When Summoned) effect, the opponent can't activate Burst effects with the condition: [ After the opposing Hand increases via an opposing effect ], but they can activate Burst effects with the condition: [ After an opposing Spirit/Brave's (When Summoned) effect resolves ], as the Burst effect isn't directly related to the draw. * The first part of the name, "近衛獅団", is a pun of "近衛師団 (Imperial Guard)" and "獅子 (Lion)". |