Battle Spirits Wiki
Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 大甲帝デスタウロスXV
Card Type Spirit
Color Purple Purple core Green Green core
Cost 9
Reductions Purple corePurple corePurple coreGreen coreGreen coreGreen core
Symbols Purple coreGreen core
Families Blood Crystal, Jade Thunder
Keywords Burst
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 7000 BP
Level 2: 2 cores, 12000 BP
Level 3: 6 cores, 20000 BP
Card Effects
When your Life is reduced to three or less, by sending a core, besides Soul Core, from your Field/Reserve to the Void, immediately activate this set card.

Burst1[ Burst: After your Spirit is depleted/destroyed by the Opponent ]
Put two cores from the Void to your Reserve. After this effect resolves, summon this card without paying the cost.

[LV1][LV2][LV3] (When Summoned/Attacks)
You can destroy an opposing exhausted Spirit/Ultimate. This effect can't be prevented by opposing effects. Then, (Once per Turn: Same Name) if you have six counters or more, send a core, besides Soul Core, from the opposing Trash to the Void.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)



BS67 (Block icon 10 - XV-Rare)

  • Illust: Imaishi Susumu (Concept), Adachi Yosuke (Normal Art), Masuda Mikio (Parallel Art)
  • EN Flavor:
    This is the second time. Again I witnessed the fusion of spirits before me.
  • JP Flavor:
Extra Information

1) When your Life is reduced to three or less, you can declare the activation of this Burst before any effects related to your Life being reduced resolve. Since its Burst effect is "immediately resolved", its effect is prioritized over the other effects that take place at the same time. If the condition of the immediately activation is fulfilled, but you move on to resolve other effects, you can't declare the activation of Burst anymore.

  • The XV remake of The GreatArmoredLord Deathtaurus, a pair with The SacredEmperor Siegfrieden XV like when their originals were released. Having retained the exhaust destroy, core boost, and send opposing core to Void aspects for the Burst and attack effect from its revival version, while upgrading all three parts in general. (Ultimate-targeting, boost amount independent to the number of exhausted targets, gaining pierce for the destroy etc.) With the immediate activation effect that resembles the revival version's burst condition, it actually has three different Burst conditions so that it is almost certain one would run into at least one of them in a game.

