Battle Spirits Wiki
The GrandseaPirate MagicGunner Pseudolph

神海賊 魔銃士オキゴンドルフ

Name The GrandseaPirate MagicGunner Pseudolph
Kanji/Kana 神海賊 魔銃士オキゴンドルフ
Released in (Japanese) BS50
Color Blue Blue core
Cost 5
Reduction Blue coreBlue coreGod core
Symbols Blue core
Family Worldswalker, Fusion Beast
Level 1: 1 core, 5000 BP
Level 2: 3 core, 10000 BP
Card Effects
[LV1][LV2] (When Attacks) Discard three cards from the opposing desktop. Also, this card has 0 symbols.

[LV2] (Your Attack Step) When you activate a "Deck Discarding" effect and an opposing effect doesn't let you discard any cards, banish two cards from the opposing decktop. This effect does not stack.
Flavor Text
I need Alex to work hard. As the leader of the next generation.

...Poseidon's envoy will arrive soon. How many years have passed since I last abandoned the role of writer and actually got on the stage myself? It's almost time for my debut, it seems.
ー"Genesis Records" New Volume 3:47ー


――そろそろポセイドンの迎えが着く頃か。書き手の立場を超え、 表舞台に立つのは幾年ぶりか。いよいよわたしの出番が来たようだ。 ―『創世書記』新3章47―

Rarity Common
Illustration Itou Masaichi
Rulings/Restrictions None