The ExtremeHolyDragon Chocodraurum
極 聖 龍 ショコドラウルム
Kanji (漢字) | 極聖龍ショコドラウルム |
Card Type | Ultimate |
Color | Yellow |
Cost | 7 |
Reductions | |
Symbols | |
Families | Holies, Incarnate, Puppet Beast |
Keywords | Burst, Ultimate-Trigger |
Levels | Level 3: 1 core, 10000 BP Level 4: 2 cores, 14000 BP Level 5: 3 cores, 17000 BP |
Card Effects |
[Summon Condition: You control one or more Holies/Incarnate Spirit/Ultimate, including being in Soul State/pre-advent condition] When your Cost 6 or more Ultimates Contract Advents, you can immediately activate this set card. [ Burst: After your Life is reduced ] Summon this card without paying the cost. Then, draw two cards from the deckbottom. Ultimate Trigger [LV3][LV4][LV5] (When Summoned/Attacks) When Ultimate Trigger hits, during this turn, give every opposing Spirit/Ultimate -15000 BP. Destroy every Spirit/Ultimate that has its BP brought to 0 by this effect. (Ultimate Trigger: Send a card from the opposing decktop to the Trash. If that card's cost is lower than this Ultimate's, it's a hit.) |
Card Effects (JP/日本語) |
セットしているこのカードは、コスト6以上の自分のアルティメットが《契約煌臨》したとき、ただちに発動できる。 【バースト:自分のライフ減少後】 このカードをコストを支払わずに召喚する。その後、自分はデッキから2枚ドローする。 【Uトリガー】Lv3・Lv4・Lv5『このアルティメットの召喚/アタック時』 Uトリガーがヒットしたとき、このターンの間、相手のスピリット/アルティメットすべてをBP-15000する。この効果でBP0になったスピリット/アルティメットすべてを破壊する。 (Uトリガー:相手デッキの上から1枚をトラッシュに置く。そのカードのコストが、このアルティメットより低ければヒットとする) |
Sets |
BS67 (Block icon 10 - X-Rare)
Extra Information |
1) When your Cost 6 or more Ultimate Contract Advents, you can declare the activation of this Burst before any effects related to the Ultimate being advented resolve. Since its Burst effect is "immediately resolved", its effect is prioritized over the other effects that take place at the same time. If the condition of the immediately activation is fulfilled, but you move on to resolve other effects, you can't declare the activation of Burst anymore.