Battle Spirits Wiki
Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 極聖龍ショコドラウルム
Card Type Ultimate
Color Yellow Yellow core
Cost 7
Reductions Yellow coreGold coreGold core
Symbols Gold core
Families Holies, Incarnate, Puppet Beast
Keywords Burst, Ultimate-Trigger
Levels Level 3: 1 core, 10000 BP
Level 4: 2 cores, 14000 BP
Level 5: 3 cores, 17000 BP
Card Effects
[Summon Condition: You control one or more Holies/Incarnate Spirit/Ultimate, including being in Soul State/pre-advent condition]

When your Cost 6 or more Ultimates Contract Advents, you can immediately activate this set card.

Burst1[ Burst: After your Life is reduced ]
Summon this card without paying the cost. Then, draw two cards from the deckbottom.

UtUltimate Trigger [LV3][LV4][LV5] (When Summoned/Attacks)
When Ultimate Trigger hits, during this turn, give every opposing Spirit/Ultimate -15000 BP. Destroy every Spirit/Ultimate that has its BP brought to 0 by this effect.
(Ultimate Trigger: Send a card from the opposing decktop to the Trash. If that card's cost is lower than this Ultimate's, it's a hit.)
Card Effects (JP/日本語)




BS67 (Block icon 10 - X-Rare)

  • Illust: K2 Shoukai
  • EN Flavor:
    The second restored Ultimate Dragon being rolled out after Albedrian.
  • JP Flavor:
Extra Information

1) When your Cost 6 or more Ultimate Contract Advents, you can declare the activation of this Burst before any effects related to the Ultimate being advented resolve. Since its Burst effect is "immediately resolved", its effect is prioritized over the other effects that take place at the same time. If the condition of the immediately activation is fulfilled, but you move on to resolve other effects, you can't declare the activation of Burst anymore.

  • The name comes from Chocodra + Aurum. ("Aurum" means "golden yellow" in Latin)

  • Revealed on official twitter (X) account on the first day of the year of dragon.

  • 8 years after the last release of Yellow Puppet Beast family card.

