The ArmoredBeast Megaloceros
鎧 装 獣 メガロケロス
Kanji (漢字) | 鎧装獣メガロケロス |
Card Type | Spirit |
Color | White |
Cost | 8 |
Reductions | |
Symbols | |
Families | Silver Zero, Armored Beast, Armed Machine |
Levels | Level 1: 1 core, 10000 BP Level 2: 3 cores, 15000 BP |
Card Effects |
When an opposing 10000 BP or more Spirit/Ultimate attacks, you can summon this card from the Hand/Removed Zone at Cost 6. [LV1][LV2] (When Attacks/Blocks) Return an opposing Spirit/Ultimate to the deckbottom. After this effect resolves, return an opposing Spirit to the Hand. [LV2] (When Attacks/Blocks) Once per turn, this Spirit refreshes. |
Card Effects (JP/日本語) |
Lv1・Lv2『このスピリットのアタック/ブロック時』 相手のスピリット/アルティメット1体をデッキの下に戻す。この効果発揮後、相手のスピリット1体を手札に戻す。 Lv2『このスピリットのアタック/ブロック時』 ターンに1回、このスピリットは回復する。 |
Sets |
BS67 (Block icon 10 - Common)
Extra Information |
1) If this card is added to your Hand/Removed Zone via an effect that takes place when an opposing Spirit/Ultimate attacks, you can't immediately summon this card. To summon this card via its effect, you need to declare it when the opponent declares an attack with their Spirit/Ultimate and before they resolve effects related to their attack. |