Battle Spirits Wiki
Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 空母皇ヴィクト・ヴォヤージュ
Card Type Spirit
Color White White core
Cost 7
Reductions White coreWhite coreWhite coreWhite core
Symbols White core
Families Silver Zero, Android
Keywords Burst
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 6000 BP
Level 2: 3 cores, 10000 BP
Level 2: 4 cores, 12000 BP
Card Effects
(Once per Turn: Same Name) After your "Silver Zero" family Burst activates, you can immediately activate this card's Burst from the Hand.

Burst1[ Burst: After an opposing Spirit/Ultimate attacks ]
Until your next End Step, every "Silver Zero" family Spirit you control is unaffected by opposing effects. After this effect resolves, summon this card without paying the cost.

[LV2][LV3] (Opposing Attack Step)
When your Spirit blocks, your counter +1, and you can put a core from the Void to that Spirit.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)



BS67 (Block icon 10 - Common)

  • Illust: Saitou Kazue
  • EN Flavor:
    I see. So if the different world layers combine together, Dan could come back.
    ―Petit Stark―
  • JP Flavor:
Extra Information

1) When your declare the activation of your "Silver Zero" family Burst, you can declare the activation of this Burst from your Hand. However, since this Burst is activated after your "Silver Zero" family Burst activates, you still need to wait till the actual timing for activation. Since its Burst effect is "immediately resolved", its effect is prioritized over the other effects that take place at the same time (i.e. Effects that activate after your Burst activates). If the condition of the immediately activation is fulfilled, but you move on to resolve other effects, you can't declare the activation of Burst anymore.

2) You can activate this Burst from Hand even if you are under the influence of a "can't use cards from Hand (手札のカードは使用できない)" effect, as this is "activation of Burst (バーストの発動)", but not "use of Hand (手札の使用)".

3) After you declare the activation of this card's Burst from the Hand, if your "Silver Zero" family Burst that triggers the activation of this card's Burst can't activate due to other reasons (e.g. the Burst being discarded), this card returns to your Hand, as the condition is not fulfilled.

4) After your "Silver Zero" family Burst activates, if you add this card to the Hand via the same Burst effect, you can carry on and declare the activation of this card's Burst via its effect.
