Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) アルティメット・ガイ・アスラ
Card Type Ultimate
Color Red Red core
Cost 8
Reductions Red coreRed coreRed coreRed core
Symbols Gold core
Families Incarnate, Astral Deity, Astral Dragon
Keywords Ultimate Trigger, Critical Hit
Levels Level 3: 1 core, 15000 BP
Level 4: 3 cores, 25000 BP
Level 5: 5 cores, 35000 BP
Level 6: 10 cores, 50000 BP
Card Effects
[Summon Condition: You control one or more Red Spirits]

UtUltimate Trigger [LV3][LV4][LV5][LV6] (When Attacks)
When Ultimate Trigger hits, send all cores from every Spirit you control to this Ultimate, and when one or more cores are sent, send an opposing Life to their Reserve. Critical Hit: If the hit card is a Spirit card, also, return a Spirit card from your Trash to the Hand.
(Ultimate Trigger: Send a card from the opposing decktop to the Trash. If that card's cost is lower than this Ultimate's, it's a hit.)

[LV4][LV5][LV6] (When Attacks)
Send all cores from any destroyed opposing Spirits to the Void.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)

Uトリガーがヒットしたとき、自分のスピリットすべてのコアすべてをこのアルティメットに置き、コアが1個以上置かれたら、相手のライフのコア1個を相手のリザーブに置く。 【クリティカルヒット】:ヒットしたカードがスピリットカードなら、さらに、自分のトラッシュにあるスピリットカード1枚を手札に戻す。


BS25 (Block icon 1 - X-rare)

  • Illust: Funaya Sakichi (Art), Imaishi Susumu (Concept)
  • EN Flavor:
    Is this the same being? It's so different... it's overpowering!
  • JP Flavor:
    これが同じ生命体なの? 違いすぎる……圧倒的すぎる!
Extra Information

1) The LV4-5-6 effect of this Ultimate can't be prevented by effects like Ultra Armor: Red, as it is only changing the destination of the cores on the destroyed spirit, but not affecting that spirit.

2) If the Spirit being destroyed in the middle of an attack by this LV4 Ultimate is returned to hand by an effect, the cores on it would not be sent to the Void, but to the Reserve as per normal.

3) The cores on the spirits destroyed during this Spirit's attack when it is LV4 or more are only sent to the Void after every effect related to the destroy is resolved, and it happens at the same time when the card enters Trash. If any Spirit that are destroyed remain on the field via an effect, the cores on them do not move.

4) You can't return the spirits you depleted by the Ultimate Trigger effect to the Hand via its Critical Hit effect, as they haven't entered Trash yet.

  • The Ultimate remake of The PhantomStarDragon Gai-Asura

  • The swords that it wields are golden versions of the Dark Sword Braves.

  • The first card with LV6.

  • The first Spirit/Ultimate with 50000 BP.

