Battle Spirits Wiki

The Pirates (海賊 ; kaizoku) are a series of cards present since BS11, which also contains the SandseaPirate and GrandseaPirate sub-archetypes. Despite existing in name since Constellation Saga, it was only in BS41 that they properly became an archetype, having effects which support "Pirate"-named Spirits. Pirates are exclusively Blue and divided greatly into Fighting Spirit, Beast Head and Fusion Beast.


The first wave of "Pirate"-named cards came during Ultimate Battle, but at this time they still weren't an archetype, instead of relying on their names, they relied on their families, using the Summon Bolt keyword. Summon Bolt allows the Spirit to summon another Spirit of the same family & a designated Cost at the end of battle, allowing multiple attacks in a single turn and gradually summoning higher-cost Spirits without needing to spend as many core resources. Summon Bolt also received little to no support after the end of Ultimate Battle, so the deck, which was already niche, became completely obsolete.

The second wave of Pirate cards was released in BS41, coming to stay as, ever since, cards in this archetype have been consistently released, with at least one "Pirate"-named card in each main set. The Advent Saga Pirate cards are mostly only Fusion Beast family, aiming to support The PirateDragonEmperor Siegfried-Abyss, but there are two other brands of Pirates, which are Fusion Beast/Blade Beast and Fusion Beast/Moaning Aqua, which could be used with the Pirate Meta of the time, or to support either Dog or Boar God-King decks from the previous saga. The DragonEmperorCrew focused on deploying Nexuses and/or general Nexus support, as the deck's finisher, Great Twinkle Navigation, required them.

After BS43, Pirates were divided into the Ultimate & Cost-destroying SandseaPirates and the Deck Discarding/Banishing GrandseaPirates, which target their sub-archetypes for effects, rather than Pirates in general. The only card to have supported "Pirates" in general Grand Advent to Ultra Advent is The GrandseaPirateDragonEmperor Siegfried-Enalios.
