Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 堕天剣聖モロク
Card Type Ultimate
Color Purple Purple core
Cost 3
Reductions Purple coreGold core
Symbols Gold core
Families Next Generation, Fencer, Evil Shadow
Keywords Ultimate Trigger
Levels Level 3: 1 core, 4000 BP
Level 4: 2 cores, 6000 BP
Level 5: 3 cores, 8000 BP
Card Effects
[Summon Condition: You control one or more Cost 1 or higher Spirits]

Ignore the summon condition of all your Purple Ultimate cards. The Ultimate symbols of all your "Evil Shadow" family Ultimates are also treated as Purple symbols.

When Braved UtUltimate Trigger [LV4][LV5] (When this Ultimate Brave Attacks)
When Ultimate Trigger hits, send a core from any opposing Ultimate to their Reserve.
(Ultimate Trigger: Send a card from the opposing decktop to the Trash. If that card's cost is lower than this Ultimate's, it's a hit.)
Card Effects (JP/日本語)


BS29 (Block icon 1 - Uncommon)

  • Illust: Saitou Kouki
  • EN Flavor:
    From Darkness Hole, the stars...
    —Antarc, Revelations of the Apocalypse, Past Records: Day 11—
  • JP Flavor: