Raon's Impregnable Tactic
ラオンの鉄 壁 戦 術
Kanji (漢字) | ラオンの鉄壁戦術 |
Card Type | Nexus |
Color | Blue |
Cost | 4 |
Reductions | |
Symbols | |
Families | Azure Wave |
Levels | Level 1: 0 cores Level 2: 1 core |
Card Effects |
(Can't Stack) When this card is discarded from your Hand via your "Azure Wave" family effect, you can pay one cost to deploy it. [LV1][LV2] (Your Main Step) When your Spirit with AFO/"King Contract" family are destroyed by opposing effects, they remain on the Field in the same condition. [LV2] When your Hand increases via the effects of your Spirits with AFO/"King Contract" family, the opponent can't activate "when draw/when increase Hand" effects. |
Card Effects (JP/日本語) |
Lv1・Lv2『自分のメインステップ』 【AFO】/系統:「王契約」を持つ自分のスピリットすべては、相手の効果で破壊されたとき、同じ状態でフィールドに残る。 Lv2 【AFO】/系統:「王契約」を持つ自分のスピリットの効果で自分の手札が増えたとき、相手は「ドローしたとき/手札が増えたとき」効果を発揮できない。 |
Sets |
BS67 (Block icon 10 - Common)
Extra Information |
1) If cards in your Trash can't activate their effects due to effects like Forest of the Giant Faced Stones's, you can't deploy this card from the Trash when it is discarded from your Hand, as it would be deployed from the Trash. |