This page is being constantly updated.
This is a page to list out most categories of cards on the wiki, so for easier uses with the catnav, this wiki's search engine with categories. To go to catnav, click here. Do note that catnav is capital-sensitive, so the category wouldn't work unless you have the exact alphabets in capital.
If you find that a category isn't working, and you don't know the reason, please comment down below, and an experienced editor will fix it. Also, we're doing our best to unify the categories right now, as the wiki has been managed by different editors, so categories are inconsistent. Just ask or tell us if the card you want isn't in the right category.
On this page, categories may repeatedly appear in different sections.
Card Sets[]
- To search for main set, type in BSXX (XX = set number in two digits). For example, simply type in "BS01" for cards in BS01.
- The above rule also applies for SD, BSC, and CB. For example, type in "SD01" for SD01 cards; "BSC30" for BSC30 cards; and "CB02" for CB02 cards.
- For PB sets, there are categories for: PB02, PB05, PB08, PB18, and PB19.
- There are more card set categories, but they're too minor to be used nowadays. If you want to search for cards of those sets, just type in the set code.
Card Types[]
- Spirit
- Nexus
- Magic
- Brave
- Ultimate
- For a list of family categories, please refer to here.
- For a list of color categories, please refer to here.
- For a list of keyword categories, please refer to here.
- Can't use Accel
- Use Accel without paying the cost
- Add pre-Advent
- Advent during main step
- Advent during start of attack step
- Advent from Removed Zone
- Advent from removed zone
- Advent from trash
- Advent on Magic card
- Advent on Nexus
- Advent treating Soul Core as sent
- Advent without sending Soul Core
- Can't advent
- Discard pre-Advent
- During advent
- Ignore advent condition
- Summon pre-Advent
- Switch places
- Use Change without paying the cost
Card Rarities[]
There are no other categories for cards with rarities besides the ones listed below.
X-Rares | XX-Rares | Others |
Red X-Rares | Red XX-Rares | Banned cards |
Purple X-Rares | Purple XX-Rares | Limited cards |
Green X-Rares | Green XX-Rares | Illegal cards |
White X-Rares | White XX-Rares | Promo Cards |
Yellow X-Rares | Yellow XX-Rares | Rebirth Rare |
Blue X-Rares | Blue XX-Rares | Rebirth X-Rare |
Multi-colored X-Rares | Multi-colored XX-Rares | |
Six-colored X-Rares | Six-colored XX-Rares |
- To search for a card with the cost, type out "Cost X", where X is the number (e.g. "Cost 1" for Cost 1 cards). Currently, we have Costs 0-13, 15, and 20.
Reduction Costs[]
- Currently, we only have categories in reference to the number of reduction symbols a card has.
- Type out "Cost reduction X", where X is the number (e.g. "Cost reduction 0" for cards with no reduction symbols). Currently, we have cost reductions 0-6.
Currently, there are three categories in reference to the number of symbols of non-Magic cards:
- No symbol
- Double symbol
- Triple symbol
BP and Levels[]
- BP and levels can't be searched alone. They must be done together.
- In order to search for the BP and level, type in "BP X000 at level Y", where X and Y are numbers for the BP and level respectively (e.g. "BP 18000 at level 3" for cards with BP 18000 at level 3).
Effect Timings[]
General | Turn-based | Other conditions |
After your Burst activates | Either Attack Step | During advent |
After your Soul Burst activates | Either End Step | During seal |
When advents | Either Main Step | |
When attacks | Either Refresh Step | |
When battles | Either Start Step | |
When blocks | End of Either Attack Step | |
When depleted by the opponent | End of Opposing Attack Step | |
When deployed | Opposing Attack Step | |
When destroyed | Opposing End Step | |
When destroyed by the opponent | Opposing Main Step | |
When reborn | Opposing Refresh Step | |
When summoned | Opposing Start Step | |
When your "Emperor Beast" family Spirit attacks | Opposing Turn | |
Start of Either Attack Step | ||
Start of Opposing Attack Step | ||
Start of Opposing Main Step | ||
Start of Your Attack Step | ||
Start of Your Draw Step | ||
Start of Your Main Step | ||
Your Attack Step | ||
Your Core Step | ||
Your Draw Step | ||
Your End Step | ||
Your Main Step | ||
Your Start Step | ||
Your Turn |
For timings like (When Summoned/Advents), put in both "When summoned" and "When advents".
Effects that activate when in Hand/Removed Zone/Deck/Trash[]
- Decrease cost
- Treat as different cost
- Treat as different family
- Treat as different name
- Treat as different symbol
- Treat as different team
- Treat as having keyword
- Treat as magic
- Treat reduction symbols as different color
Increase draws[]
- Add to hand
- You may also want to search along with the "Reveal cards from deck" category
- Draw and discard
- Draw cards
- Draw from deckbottom
- Increase Draw
Countering draw effects[]
- Can't add cards to hand
- Opponent can't add cards to hand
- Opponent can't draw cards
Discard effects[]
- Banish cards
- Deck destruction
- Discard from removed zone
- Discard own cards
- Also refer to "Draw and discard" category
- Increase deck destruction
- For Blue Charge, put both the "Blue" and "Charge" categories when filtering
- Opponent discards cards
Countering discard effects[]
- Hand is Unaffected
- Stop deck destruction
- Add to hand
- Can't use Accel
- Deploy from hand
- Hand is unaffected
- This category refers to cards that protect the hand when they're outside of the hand
- Look at opposing hand
- Return to own hand
- Reveal cards from hand
- Summon from hand
- Unaffected by opposing effects in hand
- This category refers to cards being unaffected while themselves are in the hand
- Discard from removed zone
- Place card on removed zone
- Removed Zone unaffected by opposing effects
- Summon from removed zone
- Treat as on Field
- Deploy from trash
- Return from trash
- Return to bottom of deck
- Return to own hand
- Return to top of deck
- Set from trash
- This category means "setting Burst from Trash"
- Summon from trash
- Trash is unaffected
Trash limitation[]
- Trash sealing
- Unaffected by effects in trash
Deck manipulation effects[]
- Deploy from deck
- Return own cards to bottom deck
- Return own cards to top deck
- Reveal cards from deck
- Reveal cards from opposing deck
- Return to bottom of deck
- This category refers to effects that target only the opposing deck
- Return to top of deck
- This category refers to effects that target only the opposing deck
- Summon from deck
- Add counter
- Reduce counters
- Treat as different counters
Core boost[]
- Add core
- Increase cores gained in Core Step
- Increase cores gained per effect
- Increase life
- Increase lives gained per effect
Countering core boost[]
- Can't add core
- Can't increase life
Core removal[]
- Increase cores removed per effect
- Move cores
- This category refers to moving cores between cards
- Remove cores
- Send core to reserve
- Send core to Trash
- Send cores to void
Countering core removal[]
- Cores can't be removed
- Remains on the field
Moving cores[]
- Move cores
Core-moving limitations[]
- Can't increase life
- Can't refresh Soul Core
- Cores can't be refreshed
- Cores can't be removed
Effects with reference to core number[]
- Core amount destroy
- Advent treating Soul Core as sent
- Advent without sending Soul Core
- During seal
Life damage[]
- Reduce life
- Reduce own life
Life damage limitation[]
- Life can't be reduced
Life recovery[]
- Increase life
- Increase lives gained per effect
Effects with reference to life[]
- During seal
Extra turn/step[]
- Repeat steps
- Repeat turn
- Add symbols during main step
- Can't end Attack Step
- Can't refresh
- This category refers to the cards specifically
- Cores can't be refreshed
- End step
- End turn
- Increase cards drawn in Draw Step
- Increase cores gained in Core Step
- Skip Steps
Force to battle[]
- Attack when exhausted
- Block when exhausted
- Can't be destroyed by BP comparison
- Can't end battle
- Must block
- Opposing Spirits must attack
- Opposing Ultimates must attack
- Target attack
Dodging battles[]
- Can't attack
- Can't be blocked
- Can't block
- End battle
- Treat as not blocked
Counter dodging battles[]
- Can block "Can't be blocked"
Battle manipulation[]
- Change battle rules
- Substitute battle
- Switch places
- Add symbol
- Remove symbol
- Treat as different color
- Treat as different reduction symbol
- Treat as different symbol
- Treat as having no color
- Treat as on Field
- Treat opposing symbols as own
- Add symbols during summoning
- Change cost
- Increase cost reduction
- Summon from deck
- Summon from hand
- Summon from removed zone
- Summon from trash
- Summon in exhausted state
- Summon in refreshed state
- Summon pre-Advent
- Summon without cost
- Treat as cost paid
- Treat as different cost
- Treat as different reduction symbol
- Treat reduction as filled
- Use opponent's core
- Use symbols in Trash for reduction
Summon limitation[]
- Can't be summoned
- Can't summon Spirit cards
- Can't use reduction symbols
- Increase cost
- Summon in exhausted state
- Change level cost
- Decrease level cost
- Increase level cost
- Treat as different level
- Change BP
- Decrease BP
- Decrease own BP
- Ignore Brave BP
- Increase BP
- Can't attack
- Can't block
- Change effect timing
- During advent
- During seal
- Negate effect
- No printed effect
- Give new family
- Lose family
- Treat as different family
- Treat as different name
- Treat as magic
- Refresh Brave
- Refresh Grandwalker Nexus
- Refresh Nexus
- Refresh Spirit
- Refresh Ultimate
Countering refresh effects[]
- Can't refresh
Normal exhaustion[]
- Exhaust for tribute cost
- Exhaust Grandwalker Nexus
- Exhaust magic
- Exhaust own Grandwalker Nexus
- Exhaust own nexus
- Exhaust own spirit
- Exhaust own ultimate
- Exhaust spirit
- Exhaust ultimate
Heavy exhaustion[]
- Heavy exhaust Grandwalker Nexus
- Heavy exhaust Nexus
- Heavy exhaust Spirit
- Heavy exhaust Ultimate
Countering exhaust effects[]
- Attack when exhausted
- Attack without exhausting
- Block when exhausted
- Block without exhausting
- Can't be exhausted
Based on card type[]
- Brave destroy
- Destroy Brave in Spirit form
- Destroy Grandwalker Nexus
- Nexus destroy
- Spirit destroy
- Ultimate destroy
BP-based destruction[]
- BP Destroy
- Increase BP destruction limit
Cost-based destruction[]
- Cost destroy
- Increase Cost destruction limit
Other destruction effects[]
- Core amount destroy
- Destroy Exhausted
- Destroy own spirits
- Symbol destroy
Countering destruction effects[]
- Can't be destroyed
- Can't be destroyed by BP comparison
- Remains on the field
- Unaffected by opposing effects
Bounce-based effects[]
- Return own cards to bottom deck
- Return own cards to top deck
- Return to bottom of deck
- Return to own hand
- Return to hand
- Return to top of deck
- Send to removed zone
Countering bounce effects[]
- Can't be returned to deck
- Can't be returned to hand
- Remains on the field
- Unaffected by opposing effects
- Destroy own spirits
- Exhaust own spirit
- Exhaust spirit
- Gives keyword to spirit
- Heavy exhaust Spirit
- Refresh spirit
- Spirit destroy
- Treat as multiple spirits
- Treat as spirits
- Destroy own ultimate
- Exhaust own ultimate
- Exhaust ultimate
- Gives keyword to ultimate
- Heavy exhaust Ultimate
- Ignore summon condition
- Refresh Ultimate
- Treat as spirits
- Ultimate destroy
- For categories of Brave conditions, type in "Brave condition [condition]".
- For example, if the condition is "Cost 4 or more", then type in "Brave condition Cost 4 or more".
- Brave braving with Brave
- Brave destroy
- Brave from Field
- Destroy Brave in Spirit form
- Direct brave
- Ignore Brave condition
- Ignore Brave Cost
- Refresh Brave
- Separate braves
- Switch Brave
- Deploy from deck
- Deploy from hand
- Deploy from trash
- Deploy without cost
Normal Nexuses[]
- Exhaust own nexus
- Heavy exhaust Nexus
- Nexus destroy
- Refresh Nexus
Grandwalker Nexuses[]
- Destroy Grandwalker Nexus
- Exhaust Grandwalker Nexus
- Exhaust own Grandwalker Nexus
- Heavy exhaust Grandwalker Nexus
- Refresh Grandwalker Nexus
- Exhaust magic
- Place on field
- Repeat Magic effect
- Treat as magic
- Use magics without paying the cost
For categories of Burst conditions, click here.
Burst manipulation[]
- Activate burst
- Also include "Ignore burst condition" category if you want to search for Burst activation upon being discarded
- Change Burst condition
- Discard own Burst
- Ignore burst condition
- Set burst
Countering Burst[]
- Discard opposing Burst
- Look at opposing burst
- Unaffected by opposing Burst effects
Countering Burst discard[]
- Set burst unaffected by effects
- Set Burst can't be discarded
Cards underneath[]
- Add pre-Advent
- Discard pre-Advent
- Place cards under card
- Summon pre-Advent
Special win condition[]
- Win the game
- This category refers to win conditions that don't require Life or deck reaching zero
Special lose condition[]
- Lose the game
- This category refers to losing the game directly through effects