Battle Spirits Wiki


Name Kunoichijorou
Kanji/Kana くノ一ジョロウ
Released in (Japanese) BS12, SD14, BS43
Color Green Green core
Cost 3
Reduction Green core (Revival :Green core, Red core
Symbols Green core
Family Parasite (Revival : Ninja Gale,Parasite )
Keyword High Speed (swift)

Level 1: 1 core, 3000 BP
Level 2: 3 core, 4000 BP

Level 1: 1 core, 3000 BP
Level 2: 3 core, 5000 BP


High Speed (Flash) This spirit card may be summoned from your hand during the Flash Step. In that case, the cost of this spirit and the cores to be put on this spirit must be paid or moved from your reserve.

[LV1][LV2] (When Summoned) Separate the brave from one battling opposing brave spirit. The spirit will still battle alone. However, your opponent can choose how to move the core.

High Speed (Flash) This spirit card may be summoned from your hand during the Flash Step. In that case, the cost of this spirit and the cores to be put on this spirit must be paid or moved from your reserve.

[LV1][LV2](When this Spirit is summoned) Exhaust 1 opposing Spirit.

[Rush: condition : Red Symbol] (When you control a Red symbol, activate the following effect)

Red core : Destroy 1 opposing Braved Brave.

Flavor Text
A shadow soars from fragment to giant fragment that the Dragon Brawler is breaking for fun. In the next instant, adhesive white thread spins out and assails the Dragon Brawler. Unbelievably, the Dragon Brawler is being stripped of his armor!
—A memo from Negotiator Mix—

次の瞬間、白い粘着質の糸が吐き出され竜拳士を襲う。 なんと、竜拳士の鎧が剥がされてしまった! ―交渉人ミクスの手記―

Rarity Uncommon
Illustration Yuu Tsurumi
Rulings/Restrictions None