Battle Spirits Wiki
Kotarou Tanaka
Real Name Kotarou Tanaka
Aliases The Pentan Emperor
Voice (Japanese) Ayaka Saitou
Gender Male
Age N/A
First Appearance Ep 28
Battle Statistics
Preferred Color Yellow
Key Cards N/A
X-Rares N/A

Kotarou Tanaka (田中 コタロー) is a character in the anime and manga series Battle Spirits Shounen Gekiha Dan.


He has blue hair which spikes up at the top and black eyes. His normal outfit is blue, white and yellow, and reminiscent to a Pentan. He is first seen wearing red robes, when dressed as the emperor. His battle form is a Pentan costume.


Kotarou loves Pentans. He is a spoiled child who gets whatever he wants.


Kotarou, a resident of the yellow world, learned Battle Spirits from his father, Ichiro, who wanted to become close to his son after being away. His father caved into his demands so much that Kotarou was allowed to create a replica Pentan Empire, where everyone would become a Pentan for eventual world peace.

When the Violet arrived at the yellow world, Zungurii was determined to Battle for them in Dan's place. However, he wanted a Siegwurm to battle with. Kotarou lent him one, and Zungurii battled with him for the others' freedom. Both were unskilled players who needed to be reminded of the rules, but Kotarou lost in the end. Afterwards, Zungurii returned Siegwurm to him, and they became friends.


He uses a Pentan-themed yellow deck.

His deck has contained at some point, the following:

Name Color Type
Pentan Yellow Spirit
The FortuneTeller Pentan Yellow Spirit
The Penpress Yellow Spirit
The Postman Pentan Yellow Spirit
Shining Magic Yellow Magic

Battle Stats[]

Episode Type Opponent Result
28 Single battle Zungurii Lose


He has a similar name to Kouta Tatsumi in Battle Spirits Heroes, who is also a Pentan fan.


Battle Spirits Shounen Gekiha Dan anime

