Battle Spirits Wiki
Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 仮面ライダーネクロム サンゾウ魂
Card Type Spirit
Color Purple Purple core
Cost 7
Reductions Purple corePurple corePurple corePurple core
Symbols Purple core
Families Kamen, Evil Shadow
Keywords Change
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 6000 BP
Level 2: 3 cores, 10000 BP
Card Effects
Flash - Change: Cost 6 (Purple corePurple corePurple core) (This effect can be used from the Hand)
Send three cores from any opposing Spirits to their Reserve. After this effect resolves, either discard this card or replace one of your Cost 6 or less "Kamen" family Spirits with this card in refreshed condition. If the Spirit is currently battling, continue the battle.

[LV2] (Your Attack Step)
When the opposing Life is reduced, the Life core is sent to the Trash, not the Reserve.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)
フラッシュ【チェンジ】コスト6(Purple corePurple corePurple core)(この効果は手札から使用できる


CB10 (Block icon 6 - Common)

  • Illust: funbolt
  • EN Flavor:
    Alain's transformed form when using the Mega Ulorder and the Sanzou Ghost Eyecon.
  • JP Flavor: