Battle Spirits Wiki
Battle Spirits Wiki

If you'd like to contribute but aren't sure what to do, check this out first:


For card pages: Insert this infobox page into the "source" tab of an article. Fill in the blanks appropriately. If you're not positive of something, it's best to leave it blank, so it can be filled by someone else in the future.

|kanji = Or kana. The name of the card when written in Japanese
|image = placeholder.jpg (replace placeholder with the image file. It does not have to be a jpg)
|nameEN = English name. Some cards were re-named in Bandai's English version. Include this only when applicable.
|nameIT = Italian name. This so far only effects cards in sets 6-7, and select earlier cards. Include this only when applicable.
|releasedJP = The set number ex BS07
|releasedEN = Same as above ex BS04- Ascension of Dragons Include this only when applicable.
|releasedIT = Same as above ex SE02 Include this only when applicable.
|color = Red for example
|cost = #
|reduction = # color
|symbols = # color
|bravecondition = For brave cards only
|family = Or attribute/characteristic. For example, Terra Dragon
|ability = For example, Curse. Include this only when applicable.
|level = Level 1: x core, x000 BP
Level 2: x core, x000 BP
Level 3: x core, x000 BP
|effect = ex. [LV1] (During Opponent's Battle Phase) Whatever

[LV2][LV3] (When Attacks) Whatever
|flavor = The weird text on the bottom of the card.
|rarity = ex. Common
|illust = The illustrator. It can be found on the side of the card. Some cards don't have one, some have two (a regular artist and concept artist)
|rulings = Cards that have any rulings not stated on the card, or are limited/banned. Also, misprints that could cause the card to be interpreted wrong.

A spirit page can also include the following:

Trivia: Any fun facts about the card. Also, include in this section any related cards.

Appearances: If this card has been used in any of the anime versions, list it.

Gallery: Any alternate artwork of the card, or alternate language versions

Finding Images

This method will help the wiki find better-quality images so it will look more professional and effective.

To all the people would like to find high-quality cards from, simply follow the instructions:
# Go using Safari/Google Chrome
# Right click mouse and select inspect element (do not close it)
# Go and go to "スゴイカード特集", then find the card set where the card you want is.
# Press the card (it should enlarge while having a cross on the top-right corner, you wouldn't want that in your picture)
# You might realise that you can't save the picture.
## Press the sub-heading "Resources" at Inspect Element
## Open the file "Images"
## Then close the card and open it again.
## A file like "card.png" will start loading up and you will find the image you want.
## Simply drag the picture to your desktop and you're done.

Useful links

Bandai's English site. Has all info on the English released cards (up to BS06):

Working Koala. Great for images, though some of the holographic scans are not so good:

Japanese wiki. All the information on the Japanese cards you could need. In Japanese, of course:


For character pages: Insert this infobox page into the "source" tab of an article. Fill in the blanks appropriately. If you're not positive of something, it's best to leave it blank, so it can be filled by someone else in the future.

| realname = The character's real name
| image = [ [ Image:placeholder.jpg|200px ] ] (remove spaces) An image of the character. Again, it does not need to be jpg
| caption = Only if you want to put one
| aliases = Any alternate names or titles the character goes by. You can just put N/A if none.
| voice_JP = The character's Japanese voice actor.
| voice_T = The character's Tagalog voice actor. Only include if applicable.
| voice_IT = The character's Italian voice actor. Only include if applicable.
| gender =
| age =
| appear = The first episode the character appeared in

| prefer = The character's preferred color(s). Not everyone has one. No more than 2 colors.
| keycards = Cards they particularly favor.
| xrare = Any X-rares they have. Often overlaps with key cards.

Appearance: A brief physical description of the character.


Biography: An in-depth look at what they've done in the series, and any known past.

Deck: Description of the type of deck they use, and a list of cards. Of course, only applicable for card battlers.

Battle Stats: Basically a win lose chart. Of course, only applicable for card battlers.

Trivia: Any fun facts.

Appearances: A list of anime/manga/game series this character appears in.

Useful Links


Anime News Network-

Wikipedia (Japanese)-


Anime News Network-

Wikipedia (Japanese)-


Anime News Network-

Wikipedia (Japanese)-


Anime News Network-

Wikipedia (Japanese)-

Sword Eyes:

Anime News Network-,

Wikipedia (Japanese)-

Other tips

Please be careful to use proper spelling and grammar. If you run into errors on other pages, correct them.

Keep articles factual only. Use the comments section to state your opinion.

Stay on topic. If you can relate an article to Battle Spirits, it's fair game for this wiki. If not, it's probably too off-topic.

Please check to see if an article exists before you create it! This has so far been the number one issue, so I can't stress it enough. To avoid confusion, if you make an article, try to link it in the appropriate section (ie: if you make a spirit card from BS10, link to it on the card list.)
