Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) 大輔のブイモン
Card Type Spirit
Color Blue Blue core
Cost 3
Reductions Blue coreGreen core
Symbols Blue core
Families Rookie, Dragon
Keywords Digivolution
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 3000 BP
Level 2: 2 cores, 4000 BP
Level 3: 5 cores, 7000 BP
Card Effects
[LV1][LV2][LV3] (When Summoned)
You can reveal four cards from your decktop. Among them, add an exactly-named "Motomiya Daisuke", and a Green/Blue "Champion"/"Ultimate"/"Mega"/"Armor"/"Partner" family card to the Hand. Return any remaining cards to the deckbottom in any order.

[LV2][LV3] Digivolution: Green/Blue (Start of Your Attack Step)
By returning this Spirit to the Hand, summon a Green/Blue "Champion" family Spirit card from the Hand, without paying the cost.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)
自分のデッキを上から4枚オープンできる。その中のカード名:「本宮 大輔」1枚と、系統:「成熟期」/「完全体」/「究極体」/「アーマー体」/「パートナー」を持つ緑/青のカード1枚を手札に加える。残ったカードは好きな順番でデッキの下に戻す。

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CB11 (Block icon 6 - Rare)

  • Illust: kutay
  • EN Flavor:
    [Rookie. Small Dragon. Free]
    He is a lot like Daisuke, and they get along very well. They argue at times, but a firm friendship has been formed deep inside their hearts.
  • JP Flavor: