All cards which can give a new effect to other cards.
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The SmallSaint Romeda -
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The Inviolable Sanctuary -
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The RishiDragon Ma-Richi -Humanoid Form- -
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Arcanabeast-Ken -
Grandwalker Lakshmi
All items (63)
- The AeroSwordMaster Finvel
- The Amethyst Empty Sky
- The ArcAngelia Saint d'Arc
- The ArmoredMothShinobi Hyakude
- The BeastCommander Kuyultha
- The BlueDragonRider Azure
- The CollapseWindDeity Blow-Metheus
- The EgytianAngelia Natiel
- The EighthKnight Vent-Eagle
- The Emerald Empty Sky
- The FairyPrincess Hama-Dryas
- The FangEmperor Byakgalord-Sonken
- The FirelanceDragon Teel-Maanam
- The FourthSoldier Meind-Wolf
- The Gears Plain
- The GenjiEightKnights Usukane Striker
- The IceBeast Mam-Morl
- The Investigator Ozzania
- The Inviolable Sanctuary
- The LanceWarrior Hundingle
- The Peach Garden of Oath
- The PurpleDragonRider Violet
- The RishiDragon Ma-Richi -Humanoid Form-
- The Ruby Volcanic Bombs
- The SaturnDeitySword SaturnSleif
- The ScarletDragonRider Rosso
- The ScorpioKnight Scor-Spear
- The SingingInvestigator Asia
- The SixthArtifactKing Blion
- The SmallSaint Romeda
- The SouthernSeaGuardianDeity Linku
- The StarDivineSacredBeast Carvancle
- The StylishNinja Burberry Hopper
- The TenSwordMasters Murasame
- The UltimateKingDemonBeast Magata no Orochi
- The ViridianDragonRider Grun
- The YellowDragonRider Flavum
- The YoukaiGeneral Kashaneko-Ikusa
- Turbulence