Battle Spirits Wiki
Battle Spirits Wiki
Kanji (漢字) アルカナソルジャー・サンク
Card Type Spirit
Color Yellow Yellow core
Cost 5
Reductions Yellow coreYellow coreYellow core
Symbols Yellow core
Families Magician
Levels Level 1: 1 core, 3000 BP
Level 2: 2 cores, 4000 BP
Card Effects
[LV2] (Opposing Turn)
When the opponent uses any Magic effect that includes this Spirit as target, you can change the target of that Magic effect to only this Spirit.
Card Effects (JP/日本語)

BS04 (Common)

  • Illust: Nakashima Tai
  • EN Flavor:
    The soldier led us to the palace in a respectful manner. We were finally reaching the key.
    -from the 5th paragraph in chapter Yellow of "Record of the Strange World" by Wanderer Lolo"-
  • JP Flavor:

Ascension of Dragons (This set is released in English only) (Common)

  • Illust: Nakashima Tai
  • EN Flavor:
    The soldier led us to the palace in a respectful manner. We were finally reaching the key.
    -from the 5th paragraph in chapter Yellow of "Record of the Strange World" by Wanderer Lolo"-

